“Infinitos contenidos dentro de infinitos”
“Infinitos contenidos dentro de infinitos” is an artwork resulting from the collaboration of the collectives Hikuri and Ocean Kosmos V in order to raise funds for official coral reef restoration projects in Riviera Maya and for the Wixarika community of Nayarit.

Hikuri is an art collective composed by indigenous artists from the Wixarika community, this Mexican ethnic group has developed an unique art technique which is the result of over 1000 years of spiritual sacred traditions .
Thanks to their artistic expression the Wixaritaris can create physical representations of their Cosmovision, which is based on the fractal geometry observed in nature, in the Cosmos everything is connected, we are one. Wixarika art pieces are offers for their Gods, used to honor them and to ask them for natural abundance.
We promote our culture through workshops and art classes for all ages in Playa del Carmen (Corazon Maya), Puerto Aventuras (Colegio PA) and Akumal (Natura). We believe that practicing Wixarika art techniques can clear our minds from negative feelings and help us to find inner balance by bringing our attention to the present moment.

Ocean Kosmos V is a collective composed by mexican artists, scuba divers, activists and ocean conservationists, we promote the importance of the biological functions played by coral reefs and raising funds for official coral reef restoration projects in Riviera Maya through art commercialization is one of our main labours.
Ocean Kosmos V participates actively in ecologic duties run by organizations like; CEA, Seas and trees,Healing coral, Plastic ocean México, etc.
Jungle reforestation, removal of plastics from the seabed and from beaches and promoting safe scuba diving habits for wildlife are our main practices.
70% of the total value of this art piece will be donated to support the coral propagation project being run by CEA (Centro Ecológico de Akumal) and to the Wixarika community in La Sierra Madre.