Solid Waste Managment Plan
Care With ME partnered with Red Tulum Sostenible to create a Solid Waste Management Plan. Red Tulum Sostenible is a local environmental group, created to develop a solid waste management action plan to be implemented in Tulum.
The objective of our alliance was to minimize the environmental impact of waste by reducing, separating and recycling it.
Below we will mention all the actions carried out around waste management in order to minimize its production and maximize its value:
- Social and technical diagnoses
- Implementation of educational programs
- Communication plan
- Installation of a collection center Construction of infrastructure for organic waste
- Implementation of new technologies
Solid waste Managmente Plan – Phase 1
Phase 1 of the plan began with a social diagnosis and design of educational programs, as well as a communication plan. For this, the Care With Me staff raised funds among partner hotels so that Red Tulum Sostenible could carry out this social diagnosis among the population of Tulum. Which consisted of:
- Surveys of perceptions and habits among different social groups and ages
- Interviews with decision makers
- Focus groups with large generators: companies and hotels
With the analysis of information led by the social diagnosis, Red Tulum Sostenible prepared talks, workshops and activities for people of all ages and social levels to learn about the issue of solid waste and how to manage it.
To this day, Care With Me continues to create ecological programs aimed at the ethical management of solid waste. At the same time, we carry out multigenerational educational and experiential activities that include talks, panels and demonstrations. We invite you to visit our Actions section so that you can be informed about the most recent actions of our foundation.